Appraising Your Business in 60 Minutes | Glen Cooper - Joshua Carnes

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  • Appraising Your Business in 60 Minutes | Glen Cooper
jcarnes October 5, 2021 0 Comments

So I have gone back and forth several times over the past few years as to if I should even attempt to recreate Glen Coopers’ Business Valuation: Appraising Your Business in 60 Minutes!”. It is a quick and simple read, that outlines the basic principles of placing a value on your business. To be quite honest we use this document as a part of our training program when we cover the basics of doing a business valuation.  So I have decided to share it with all of you!

Click Here for the PDF: Appraising-in-60-Minutes

For those that don’t know, Glen is a leader in our industry as well as a trainer and many of the principles used to guide Lion Business Brokers today, came form glen Coopers trainings.

Thank you for being a leader in the industry and sharing your wisdom to make the industry a better place.

For more information you can visit Glen at